Well over a week has passed, and still no update. We apologize for that, but can it be justified by our being busy hiking around the Alps, visiting family and friends, and eating all the time? Because that is exactly how we spent much of our first weeks in Austria.
A post-lunch walk. |
After our honeymoon, we flew to NiederÖsterreich, a province in Eastern Austria and close to Vienna, to spend time with my family (grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins) and friends, who I've grown up visiting whenever I get the chance to come to Austria. Our first week was spent in a routine of sleeping in, eating a large breakfast, eating a large lunch, going on a hike or walk, and going back home to eat again! You get the idea; there was lots of food. Harry got to try many of Austria's best and most well-known dishes including: Schweinsbraten, knödel of many kinds, topfenstrudel, schnitzel, wurstsalat, eierschwammerlsoß, fritattensuppe, erdapfel salat and more we have surely forgotten. A highlight our of culinary-experience was spending a night with our cousins at their Hütte (Cabin) and waking up early to gather mushrooms in the forest. With our guide, Oma, we collected nearly 3 kilograms of Eierschwammerl (egg mushrooms), then cleaned the mushrooms, and made knödel and eierschwammerlsoß on a wood-fire stove.
The elusive and delicious eierschwammerl. |
Mushroom hunting with Omi. |
The finished product, served with homemade knödel. |
As for the hiking, Reichenau and the surrounding area in NiederÖsterreich is a great place to walk through both meadows and the impressive foothills of the Alps. The most well-known mountain in this area is the Rax, which we were lucky enough to walk the ridge and plateau of on probably one of the most beautiful days of our weeks in NiederÖsterreich. As well as hiking, we were able to go climbing in the Höllental area, with a family-friend, and now climbing-partner, something which we are very grateful for, as it was a great introduction to climbing in Austria.
Looking back to the mountain hut while hiking on the Rax. |
Climbing in Höllental. |
And as for visiting family and friends, well, it is always good to see people we love. Every trip to Austria is a special to reconnect and rebuild relationships. This time was extra special of course, as Harry got to meet all of my family for the first time. It is extra special for me to watch my husband laughing with everyone and loving my family, as I love them, and they love him! Among our visiting with family, we got to experience two very Austrian traditions including the birthday party of my uncle- made complete with great food and beer, dancing and a special performance from the town's marching band- and the local Oktoberfest, also with great food, lots of dancing and beer- and dirndls!
Yep, those are litres of beer... |
Schnitzel and roast pork with Omi. |
This brings us to the current week; which we have spent in Innsbruck, on the opposite side of Austria, in the western province of Tirol. We arrived last Sunday, and got right to work, looking to start to establish ourselves with filling out visa paperwork, and finding an apartment and work. I am happy to report that as of Friday, we have positive opportunities in each of those areas, and will be working towards making each of those concrete this upcoming week.
Overlooking Innsbruck with a litre of milk! |
Beautiful downtown Innsbruck. |
Hiking with our new friend Claire. |
Atop Karspitze, high above Innsbruck. |
The view from Karspitze to Rumerspitze, our goal for this week (aside from jobs and visas). |
Two giant knödel in the mountain hut. |
Please keep us in your prayers and thoughts as we pursue getting settled here in Innsbruck! In the meantime, we are being humbled by our lack of control in our present situation, but are also so grateful for what has been provided for us so far, including our current stay with our dear friends while we look for housing, and the opportunity to make friends and explore a beautiful part of Austria!
- Christi
Hi Christi, Harry! Beautiful pics, love the scenery and the food! At some point would you be so kind as to pm me w/ more details/specs about some of your Austrian edibles! Thanks and a whole lotta love!
ReplyDeleteI love reading about your adventures! Memories that will last a lifetime time! Blessings to you both! The pictures are absolutely amazing.
ReplyDeleteI love reading about your adventures! Memories that will last a lifetime time! Blessings to you both! The pictures are absolutely amazing.